Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT): What It Is & Why It Matters


This webinar provides an overview of the problems inhibiting aseptic practice historically and still today. It provides an understanding of how prevalent harmful microorganisms are in any care setting and how the clinician plays a significant role in their inadvertent transference and control. The importance of aseptic technique in protecting patients from infection is highlighted.

ANTT is introduced and an overview of its utilization internationally is provided. The ANTT Clinical Framework is then explained.

Lastly, a brief overview of how to implement ANTT into a small team or across a large hospital is provided. The objectives of this webinar are:

1.    Understand what ANTT is (and what it isn’t)
2.    Understand why ANTT is needed & why it’s been so widely adopted internationally
3.    Understand the problems with aseptic practice
4.    Understand the ANTT Framework
5.    Understand how to successfully implement ANTT into a team or large organization 

Stephen Rowley originated the ANTT Clinical Practice Framework. He now leads the development and dissemination of ANTT, advising and lecturing on ANTT internationally. 